How To Make Candle Labels

How to make candle labels and candle labels FAQs

How to make labels for candles & other tips

When it comes to labeling candles, what are the biggest pain points and questions that come to mind? Finding that perfect fit for your candle container can be tricky, right? In this article, I’ll be going over the top FAQs I get from candle makers just like you and the answers I give them.

When I started making candles after meeting our incredible partners at CandleScience almost three years ago I was completely lost. Thankfully working for Avery (one of the biggest label companies out there) has really helped me and allowed me to help others along the way.

1. What size label should I use for my container?

With so many different shapes and sizes out there, this question might feel a little overwhelming. At Avery, we’re dedicated to helping you find the perfect label size, no matter what candle container you have.

If you purchased your containers from CandleScience, you can download our candle label size guide where we’ve taken some of our partner’s most used containers and made suggestions for which label sizes to use. (You’re welcome.)

If you’re still struggling to get those creative juices flowing, you can see our 5 Candle Label Trends article to help ignite that spark.

2. What material is best for my candle labels?

What label material you choose depends on the look and feel that you want for your brand. Paper or film, it doesn’t really matter for candles. Both hold up on the outside of the container while the candle is burning. The only watch-out is to ensure that the candle container is thoroughly wiped down before applying the labels and that the adhesive has fully cured. This will make sure the label doesn’t come into any contact with oils or dust and that the adhesive will adhere properly.

At Avery, we offer a number of beautiful, premium materials that you can choose from to help bring the vision you have for your candles to life. You can check out Choosing The Right Label Material to learn more about our labels. You can also read Matte vs Glossy Finishes to get more information about the different finishes and when you should use one or the other.

Of course, the best option would be to order one of our free sample packs. We offer samples of both our custom roll labels and our custom sheet labels and cards. This allows you to see and feel all of the materials in hand before moving forward with an order. And yes, they are free.

3. How do I apply my candle labels?

Applying candle labels can be tricky but once you get the hang of it you won’t ever need to worry. There are a few key steps to follow when applying labels.

  • Thoroughly wash and dry your hands to ensure they are free of any excess oils.
  • Wipe down and clean your container.
  • Place your container between two anchor points to steady your candle. Your anchor points don’t have to be anything specific, just two objects that will hold your candle steady while you are applying your label. For me I’ve found that books work perfectly for this.
  • Carefully peel your label from one of the corners of the sheet or roll and align it over the candle.
  • Press down the very center of the label against the container and use your fingers to smooth out the label to the outermost edges. (Fun fact, if you are using a film label you can remove the label and reposition it if you mess up. This only works for film labels, not paper.)
  • If needed, use a hard flat tool (such as a credit card) to get rid of any bubbles.
  • Show off your candle!

Don’t forget to add candle warning labels to your containers. With the free Avery candle warning label templates, you can easily personalize your candle safety labels.

4. Should I print my labels for candles or have them professionally printed?

There are many considerations to factor in when deciding to print at home or having your candle labels professionally printed. Some key things to think about are:

  • The cost of ink
  • The quality of your labels
  • Your needed timeline
  • The impression of your brand

Printing your candle labels yourself using Avery blank labels or our in-store retail packs is always a great option but when your business is growing and you’re ready to take that next step and really invest in your brand, a custom printing service like Avery WePrint is absolutely the way to go. Through our custom printing service, you get the highest quality labels that are printed on our professional digital presses and then coated to ensure optimal protection and quality.

I’ve been working with candle customers for years and one of the most common complaints is that when people print their labels themselves (no coating), the ink tends to smear when the candles/labels are handled. Many makers run into this issue when showcasing their products at markets or shows.

With WePrint this isn’t an issue.  Not only can you rest assured that your label quality will be exceptional, but you also don’t have to worry about paying for ink or alignment issues. We print it for you and deliver it right to your doorstep in either sheet or roll formats.

5. Where do I start?

With candles, it’s all about the label first. Labels are the first impression of your product and an introduction for the customer. It’s true what they say, we shop with our eyes first – we shop for what labels and products attract us. Once you see an attractive label, then you pick up the candle and smell it.

For more inspiration, see How To Brand Your Candle Line. This article not only discusses candle labels but shows you how to incorporate other products into your branding, such as hang tags, business cards, and more. It’s all about cohesion here.

If you’re new to candle-making, I suggest you check out our partners at CandleScience where you can get all the supplies you need to make your business grow. And you can always contact our Care Center at (800) 942 – 8379 with any questions. Happy candle-making!

Author: Nichole Onesko

Nichole is the Account Relationship Developer and Trade Show Coordinator for Avery Products WePrint division. She has been with the company for nearly six years and knows labels like the back of her hand. Her time is focused on sharing her knowledge of labels with customers and planning and executing Avery WePrint Tradeshows. She handles everything from creating the booth, creating content to share at the booth, logistics, booth experience, etc...