Edit One Or Edit All Each Label Different Or Every Label The Same
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Edit One / Edit All - Each Label Different / Every Label the Same

How to Edit All Labels

  • To the right-hand side of the screen you will see Navigator  
  • Leave Edit All highlighted blue
  • To the left of the screen click on Text then Add text box - type out the text and the information will populate on every label.

How to Edit One Label at a Time

We recommend starting the project in Edit All to create the overall design and formatting of the label.

  • If you are using a blank template, add a text box and make any formatting changes (ie: font, size, color or placement of text box) 
  • You can also add images that you want to be populated on each label
  • Once the information is formatted using Edit All, click on Edit One
  • Now you can either click on each label in the right side Navigator or use the arrows at the top to go to the next label to edit.

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