Mail Merge - Using Multiple Text Boxes

After following steps from Mail Merge to merge over the first part of your data, you can merge data into another text box in two ways:

Merge selected fields into the first text box (click finish)
  • Make sure the new text box has some kind of filler text in it
  • Click on view merge fields on the left  
User-added image
  • When you open the Merge Fields drag and drop desired fields to the appropriate text boxes:                User-added image                                                                                                                                     
  • After all fields are merged into the appropriate text boxes click on preview and print to view project

Merge selected fields into the first text box (click finish)

  • Select the next text box on the template and make sure the text box outline is solid
  • Select Import Data and Choose Fields
  • Click Next to go to Arrange Fields
  • Drag over the data you want to merge to the new text box and select Next
  • Now click Finish and that data will merge over to the new text box


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