When using Chrome and choosing the Open PDF option from Step #4 to print your project - you will receive the following print screen on the preview of the PDF page.

If you don't receive this page and only the PDF project, click on the print icon to the top right of the screen:

If you're still having issues - try the clearing your browsing history:
- Click on 3 black dots for Chrome options > select More Tools > click on Clear Browsing History > Select the time range as All Time > Click on blue button Clear Data
- Update Chrome: Click on 3 black dots for Chrome options > click on settings > click on three horizontal lines next to Settings (located at the upper left hand side of screen) > Click on About Chrome - this will update to the newest version
- Close all screens after updating / clearing history
- Click on Chrome icon to open a new page: for a new connection type www.avery.com in the address bar
If the instructions above still do not allow you to print - choose the Save PDF option and open the file using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
If you are only getting the option to save the PDF and not the option to print: (see image below)
You will need to click on the Change button in order to choose your printer - after the printer is selected you will have the Print and Cancel options available.