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Spreadsheet Error Message When Uploading (File Too Big)

Avery Design & Print can import spreadsheets with less than 3,000 rows, 20 columns and 600 KB.  If your spreadsheet is too large, please split it into multiple files. Sometimes the formulas or other formatting in spreadsheets trigger the error message that the file is too big.  If your file is small enough to process and you still encounter the error message, try copying the information into a new spreadsheet: 
  1. Open your spreadsheet file, highlight and Copy all of the items you want to merge
  2. Open a new spreadsheet and click Paste Special to paste the Values into the new spreadsheet
  3. Save the new spreadsheet with a different name
  4. Try the merge again

This how-to video includes troubleshooting tips: 

If you still get the error message, please contact the Avery Care Center by chat or at (800) 462-8379.

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