Start your project by entering the 4 or 5 digit code listed on your product
Click on the green GO button
(You can also search for a product by clicking on the selections under the Go button to start a project)
On Step #2 Select Design:
Choose either a blank template / pre-designed template
On Step #3 Customize -
Using a blank template - click on Add Text Box to the left of the screen
When the text box appears on the screen keep the words Type Your Text highlighted in black
With the words highlighted - make formatting changes to the left of the screen (ie: font, size, centering options)

Start typing the text to replace the words Type Your Text
Or to create different information on each label - click on Edit One before typing -
Please search articles for Edit one / Edit all features
Using a pre-designed template - highlight the words in the template in order to replace them with the information you need. Once you start typing the words will delete and will be replaced with the information you are typing. Search articles for Edit One / Edit All features to create the same information on all labels or different information on each one).
To print out the project - click on Step #4 Preview and Print
Click on the green Print button and print out on a regular piece of paper for a test page
Hold a piece of paper up to the Avery product to make sure it's aligned