Quickly address temporary hazard warnings with the most durable custom hang tags you can make onsite. Avery Industrial blank safety tag kit (62404) includes supplies to make 15 durable tags for addressing safety and lock out tag out procedures: 1) 15 blank durable tags, 32 printable vinyl labels, 20 nylon zip ties.
Engineered to help safety (EHS) professionals and operations/facility managers
avoid costly OSHA violations, our UltraDuty LOTO & safety custom hang tag kits are extremely durable and strong. They last up to 2 years outdoors and exceed OSHA pull-strength requirements.
The hang holes on the plastic component resist up to 100lbs of pull force. The printable label component is resistant to UV, chemicals, water, abrasion and tearing, with strong permanent adhesive that stays securely in place— no peeling or chipping.
Using just a standard laser printer and our blank white UltraDuty tag kit you can create extremely durable custom hang tags onsite as needed. Properly tag LOTO locks and address safety issues promptly.
Create custom tags for lock out tag out procedures by using our convenient
online design software. Our incredibly versatile blank kits and free design templates can be used to create a variety of custom hang tags for heavy-duty and outdoor use, including inspection tags, danger tags, out of service tags and do not use tags.
"Quickly address temporary hazard warnings with the most durable custom hang tags you can make onsite. Avery Industrial DANGER header safety tag kit (64203) includes supplies to make 15 durable tags for addressing lock out tag out procedures: 1) 15 blank durable tags, 32 printable vinyl labels with preprinted DANGER header, 15 zip ties.
Engineered to help safety (EHS) professionals and operations/facility managers
avoid costly OSHA violations, our UltraDuty LOTO & safety custom hang tag kits are extremely durable and strong. They last up to 2 years outdoors and exceed OSHA pull-strength requirements.
The hang holes on the plastic component resist up to 100lbs of pull force. The printable label component with preprinted DANGER header is resistant to UV, chemicals, water, abrasion and tearing, with strong permanent adhesive that stays securely in place— no peeling or chipping.
Using just a standard laser printer and our blank white UltraDuty tag kit you can create extremely durable custom hang tags onsite as needed. Properly tag LOTO locks and address safety issues promptly.
Create custom tags for lock out tag out procedures by using our convenient
online design software. Our DANGER header tag kits and free design templates can be used to create a custom hang tags for any energy control program.