Print Specific Labels / Cards (Print Range) Print Options; Print One Label on The Sheet

How To Print Specific Labels
  • Make sure you are in step 4 Preview & Print  
  • On the right side select Show Print Options 

  • Mouse click on Print Specific Labels / Cards 
  •  Click on the Print from option  

  • Click the drop-down arrows to enter the specific spaces to print .
  •  Your spaces will then appear in a sample preview - and ready to print. 

To Print A Specific Label in the Project. 

  • Click on Print Specific Labels / Cards
  • Click on the Custom Selection 
  • Navigate and click through the mini-template to make selections

  • Click on the spaces that you do not need to print, leaving the only label(s) visible. For example, see below:
  • This process will only show the specific spaces to print from your template - the project will not be changed.

To Print a Specific tent card in a project when using several sheets:

  • Click on Print Specific Labels/Cards
  • Click on the specific sheet number at the top of the screen (in preview) to make the selection if only ONE tent card needs to be printed from a sheet.
For example: If the last tent card on sheet number 5 needs to be printed - the number 5 sheet would be selected, the print range would be the specific tent card numbers in custom selection - ie: from 7-8 (in order to select BOTH sides of the tent card)
  • The selection for tent cards to print will only be set for that SPECIFIC sheet that is highlighted

Print ranges can be applied to several different sheets one at a time - in order to print specific labels on each sheet.


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