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Text Outside of Safe Area Message

If in the Design and Print online program, you receive the message Text outside the Safe Area may be cut off during the printing process, you can do the following:
  • Towards the bottom right, select the option that says Skip this Step
  • Verify that the project looks correct on step 4 (preview and print).
  • If the project looks correct on step 4, continue with the printing process.

If you select Skip this Step and the project does not look correct on step 4 (preview and print), you can do the following:
  • Click the Blue button at the top of the screen that says Customize.
  • Make the adjustments that need to be made on the customize screen
  • Click the blue button that says preview and print 
  • Verify the project looks correct on step 4. If not, then go back to step 3 (customize) and make adjustments.

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