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Start Mail Merge on a Specific Label

The only way to begin a mail merge on a specific label is by adding filler rows in your spreadsheet. See below:
  • In the spreadsheet, you would add in filler rows for however much you would like to shift your data on the labels. You can add an x in each filler row in a separate column on your spreadsheet.
  • For example, if you already printed 5 labels on the sheet and wanted to start the import on the 6th label, you would add 5 filler rows on the spreadsheet. See example below:

  • When you upload your imported data in Design & Print and go to Choose Fields, uncheck the column with your filler rows along with your column headers
  • When you complete your merge, in Preview and Print you will see that the merge started on the specific label on the sheet and you can continue with the printing process.

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