Sharing an Avery Account; Share MyAvery Account; Multiple Users; Share
If you share the email and password to your Avery account with other users, you can all have access to a single account. Your account can be accessed in different browser sessions at the same time. However, you need to approach sharing with caution:
1) Be sure you trust the people you share with. We have seen instances of disgruntled employees deleting files and changing passwords, which can disrupt a business. You can update your password whenever staffing changes happen to protect your account.
2) If two people are changing the same project at the same time, it can cause problems with the system. Be sure to save any changes with a new filename.
3) More than three simultaneous sign-ins can cause projects to be corrupted and not be able to be re-opened.
4) More than three simultaneous sign-ins can slow down the processing of your projects.
A better approach for multiple users is to share Avery files by email.