There are two things you need to know to successfully print your dividers:
- Is your printer a face-up or face down printer?
- Do you need to reverse the order of the tab sheets to print the project?
- On a blank sheet of paper, draw an arrow pointing to one of the shorter (8.5) sides of the paper.
- On the same sheet of paper, draw a circle in the place you want your first tab to print.
- Place this sheet in your printer's auto-feed tray so you can see the arrow pointing into the printer.
- After you have customized your dividers, click Print. In the Print dialog box, choose to print page 1 of your project only
Sometimes the order of the tab sheets needs to be reversed to print properly. This can be because you want to use your tabs in the landscape (wide) orientation and/or because your printer is the type that prints projects with multiple pages such that the last page prints first and the first page prints last.
Refer to the tables below to identify how to order your divider sets based on the type of project you're assembling (portrait or landscape) and the type of printer you have. Note: these instructions may not be applicable to your printer. Be sure to test print on plain paper before printing on the dividers.

Printing Dividers
- Do not unfold the dividers' left reinforcement edge with the hole punches and do not remove the yellow paper strip until you have printed your dividers to ensure they feed through the printer properly.
- Be sure to change your paper type setting to Card Stock or Heavyweight