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Print Specific Pages from PDF in Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Firefox

In the Chrome and Edge Browsers:
  • In Design & Print Online, choose Preview & Print, then Print it Yourself, then Get PDF to Print.  Then select Open PDF from the Printing Tips dialog box.​
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  • This will open your project as a PDF in a new browser window.  Click the printer icon at the top right, then on Pages, change from All to Custom.  Now you can either choose one page to print by entering one page number, or several pages by typing in a series with a dash between the page numbers, such as 2-5 or typing in specific pages separated by commas, such as 2, 4,5. 
  • Select Print
In Safari and Firefox, first download the PDF and open using Adobe Acrobat Reader:User-added image
  • Open the pdf using Adobe Reader, then look for Pages to Print in the print dialog box.  Click the Pages button and then type in the page numbers you want to print.  
User-added image
  • Select Print

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