To avoid the download step you can enable Adobe Reader in Firefox, by following these steps:

1. Click the three horizontal lines at the top right of the Firefox screen
2. Click on the Options icon
3. Click on Applications on the left side
4. Choose Use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (default) from the dropdown list next to the Adobe Acrobat Document icon
• In Design & Print Online, in Preview & Print, click Get PDF to Print and then read the tips in the Printing tips window and select Download PDF.• Look in your downloads file for the PDF. A shortcut to the downloads file is Control and J at the same time on Windows, or for Mac Command, Option and L at the same time. Double-click to open the PDF.• Click on the printer icon at the top left of the screen.• Select your printer and under Page Size & Handling, choose Actual Size or Custom and 100%. • Click the Properties button and select labels or cardstock under Paper or media type.• Be sure Paper Size is set to Letter (8.5 x 11”) if that is the size of your Avery product. Print a test page on plain paper by selecting Print.• Hold your test print up to the Avery product to be sure it is designed and aligned right, then place the Avery product in your printer and click Print. • If the test page printed correctly but the Avery product did not, your printer may need more help pulling the paper. Your printer manufacturer might have special instructions for printing labels or cards, so please check their website.• You can also contact our Care Team by calling 800-462-8379 or using the Chat button.