Password Reset Link Not Sent; Can't Reset Avery Password; Verify an Avery Account; Invalid Log In

If you go to and enter your email, then click Forgot my password, you should receive an email to reset your password.
If you do not receive the link:
  1. Make sure the email address you entered is correct
  2. Check your Spam Folder / Junk Folder
  3. Switch internet browsers - this is especially important if you are using an older version of Internet Explorer.  We recommend Chrome for the best experience.
  4. After switching the internet browser, repeat the steps above and then use the new browser to connect to our site (you may need to copy and paste the URL from the top of the original browser into the new one)

To see if you have an account:
Use the password reset process and will show: 
  • No account exists for that email address if there is no account OR
  • Please check your email for further instructions if there is an account

Call us at (800) GO-AVERY if you need help with your account or password.

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