Limit your spreadsheet to 3,000 rows or 20 columns (300 KB)
- If you're file is larger than guidelines: separate spreadsheet and divide information into different sheets
- Keep information to guideline of 3,000 rows / 20 columns (300 KB) for each separate sheet
- When importing make sure to use workbook with one sheet / not entire workbook with several sheets
- (Do not add special characters)
- If the same error occurs - Change file type (ie: XLSX convert to CSV) or vice versa (CSV convert to XLSX)
- Acceptable file types: XLSX XLS and CSV
- After dividing spreadsheet, changing file type and making sure only one spreadsheet is attached:
- Open divided spreadsheet - Copy the rows / columns containing information
- Paste them into a New Workbook / sheet. Save file type as CSV and Import Data
- The file must be saved and closed on your computer