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Avery TouchGuard™ Protective Film FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Avery TouchGuard Protective Film 73606. Learn more about its protective film material, adhesive and the antimicrobial properties built-in to protect the film.

What is the protective film composed of?

The facestock is made from a clear polypropylene film coated with an antimicrobial layer, the adhesive is acrylic-based.

How do the antimicrobial properties protect the film from bacteria, microbes and viruses?

The film is treated with an antimicrobial coating that contains non-toxic, active agents called silver ions. The silver ions work by eradicating the conditions that bacteria and microbe cells need to survive, divide and duplicate. Viruses use bacteria or microbes as hosts in order to be transported and remain active. By killing the host microbes, the antimicrobial layer also prevents the spread of viruses, which protects the film.

The film’s antimicrobial coating has gone through the certification testing for the following global industry standards:
  • (ISO 22196) – tested against E.Coli and MRSA (bacteria)
  • (ISO 21702) – tested against Influenza A and Human Coronavirus NL63
  • (ASTM G21) – tested against Aspergillus brasiliensis (fungus)

Are the antimicrobial properties effective against COVID-19?

The antimicrobial coating has not been tested against COVID-19. However, the coating has been proven to be effective against other members of the same family of Human Coronaviruses which have similar cell structures.

Are the active ingredients safe?

Yes. The active components within the coating are all EPA, FDA and EFSA registered and comply with food and skin contact regulations.

How do I determine the product suitability?

The product is best used on surfaces that are flat such as desks, papers, touchscreens, wall signage, book covers, doors, and some buttons. Though some surfaces may be more fragile than others due to a variety of factors (age, composition, wear, exposure to UV/water/chemicals, etc.), we recommend testing this product first on a small area to assure suitability of the film for your specific surface application.

Can the film be applied onto touchscreen devices?

Yes. The film will not interfere with the functionality of the touchscreen and can be applied directly onto the device or on top of a screen protector. If there is residue on the device from the film’s adhesive, use touchscreen wipes to remove residue.

Is the adhesive removable?

The film will adhere permanently when used on documents or paper materials.
The adhesive is removable only on surfaces like glass, stainless steel, varnished wood, laminated wood, painted dry wall, plastic, and door handles.

Can this product replace regular cleaning routines?

This product should be used as an enhancement to your existing daily environmental protection, such as regular cleaning. We do not recommend that this product be used as a replacement for regular sanitization of heavily touched/used surfaces. You can use water, cleaners, or disinfecting solutions to wipe the film sheets clean. Most common cleaning chemicals will not damage the film or affect the antimicrobial and antiviral performance.

Can I print on this product?

No, this product is not suitable for printing. Attempts at printing could result in printer problems.

Is the product heat and water resistant?

This product is water resistant and is heat resistant up to 190°F (87°C).

How do I best apply the film?

For best results ensure that:
  • The surface to be protected is clean, dry and dust free.
  • The film is applied onto a flat surface.
  • The surface temperature should be around room temperature.
  • The time the adhesive is exposed to possible contamination is limited.
  • The film should not be applied to surfaces liable to “off gas” (for example fresh paint, jerry cans).
  • Apply slowly and evenly to avoid bubbles. To remove bubbles we recommend the use of a ruler, card or squeegee for best results.
  • To maximize effectiveness of the film, keep the surface of the film free of foreign materials or fluids that would cover the antimicrobial coating. You can wipe the protective film clean using common cleaners and damp cloths.

Can I use dry erase markers on these films?

Yes. When using dry erase markers, please use a damp paper towel or cloth to wipe off markings.

Can you see the film once applied?

The film is a non-gloss clear film making it very difficult to see on most surfaces, however where the film ends the edge can be detected.

Will the film cause damage?

The film is not likely to damage the surface to which it is applied to. If applied to paper surfaces, the adhesive will attach very strongly and adhere permanently. We do recommend testing the film first on a small area to assure suitability of the protective film for your specific surface application.

Can this be recycled after use?

We do not recommend placing this product in/with recycling.

Can this product be applied to skin?

No. This product should not be used on your skin. Apply the film onto flat surfaces such as glass, stainless steel, wood, walls, plastic containers and paper documents.

How do I store the film sheets?

For best results, store film sheets in packaging until use. We recommend storing the product within a temperature range of 68°F – 82.4°F (20°C – 28°C).

What is the shelf life of the product?

If stored correctly, the film material will retain its specified performance for up to 2 years.

How long does the antimicrobial coating last? When should I replace the film?

The antimicrobial coating on Avery TouchGuard Protective Film can remain active even after thousands of hand touches. The actual lifetime of the coating will vary depending on the usage and type of contact. If the contact type is moderate like pushing an elevator button or a touchscreen device, we recommend replacing your film approximately every 2-8 months*. If the contact type is more abrasive such as turning a door knob/handle we recommend replacing the film approximately every 1-4 months*.

(*The month estimate will depend on the amount of traffic the film receives. If the film is placed in a high traffic area replace the film more frequently than if it’s in a low traffic area.)

Return to the product detail page for Avery TouchGuard Protective Film Sheets 73606.

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