Avery is now partnered with Pixabay, a free online site that sources images from photographers and artists that you can use for personal or commercial use. Here are the steps on how to search and add these images:
In the Customize tab, go to the left toolbar and click Image then Add Image.
At the top of the pop-up, click Stock Images.
Next, you will see a Search, where you can enter the image that you are looking for. Then, you can select the type of image file, including Photo, Illustration, Vector, or All Images. You can also sort by Colors.
Pro tip: If you want a clipart image, we've found it best to search using the Vector file type.
Once you have found an image you wish to use, click on the image to Select, and the image will generate on your label design.
Just like any other item on the page, you can always use the Align tool or click and drag the image to it's destination.