6 Important Advantages for Using ID Cards and Badges in the Workplace

Understanding the importance of employee ID cards and badges

No matter what industry you’re in or how big your company is, the use of identification cards or badges can benefit your business in a variety of ways. Employee ID badges not only act as quick forms of identification, but they can also safeguard workers, protect important company assets, and help streamline relationships with your employees and your customers or clients.

In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of implementing employee badges and how they can improve different facets of your industrial business. We’ll also share our expert tips on creating professional ID cards and badges onsite.

Choosing the right type of ID for your facility

In industrial and manufacturing businesses, it's critical to protect employees, safeguard company assets, and prevent theft. A good system to do that is through ID cards and badges, but what type is best for your workplace?

There are a number of options when it comes to employee identification. The right one for you will depend on what you need from it. To help you determine what you need, let’s take a look at what’s available:

Photo IDs

The most standard form of worker identification is a photo ID. Along with the company name and/or logo, employee IDs include the person's name, title, and photo. These IDs work as basic visual security to determine who is an employee and who is not. They are also a quick way to identify who the employee is and their position in the company.

Scannable IDs

A scannable ID combines the standard photo ID with a barcode or QR code. When used with a card reader, these IDs can keep track of when a worker scans in and out. Along with the visual safety aspect, scannable IDs are a good way to track an employee's time and attendance. This helps ensure they are paid properly for time worked.

Proximity cards and badges

A more advanced type of ID, proximity cards feature magnetic strips, RFID tags, or smart chips that work with a proximity system. When worn, they allow access to certain areas of a worksite or to special equipment. By restricting people with lower security clearances, they eliminate the need for hiring security personnel for important areas. This can save a company money in the long run.

Another choice to make when determining the best type of employee identification for your workplace is whether to use cards or badges, but what is the difference between an ID card and an ID badge? While both are portable and perform the same functions equally, the only difference is that the badge is wearable while the card is not. Badges are basically cards with an added attachment, like a clip, lanyard, or magnet that allows them to be worn and displayed easily.

Different uses of ID cards and badges

Along with standard employee identification, ID cards and badges can also be used to provide other functions for your workplace. Here are just a few ways you can utilize ID cards and ID badges in your facility:

  • Visitor Passes: permit visitors to enter your premises. It tells you who they are, where they've gone, and how long they've been there. These IDs can also grant temporary access to certain areas or equipment, if needed.
  • Safety Certification Cards: recognize that the employee has passed a safety training course, such as for operating specialized machines or equipment, administering CPR, or performing lockout tagout procedures.
  • Forklift Certification Badges: confirm that the employee has been trained and is authorized to operate a powered industrial truck, such as a forklift. OSHA requires employers to ensure that powered truck operators are trained and certified.
  • Membership Cards/Loyalty Cards: allow you to identify customers or clients who are entitled to special privileges. These cards can also be used as a good marketing tool for your company and can help build a better relationship with your customers.
  • Event Badges: a great promotional tool when hosting a special business event like a meeting, tradeshow, or conference. You can use event badges to showcase your branding while providing key information about the attendee, including their name, company, and job title.
  • Volunteer IDs: identify volunteers working for an organization or event and usually include the person's name and reason for volunteering. These IDs make it quick and easy for people to determine who they can go to for help.
Image of warehouse worker driving a powered industrial truck forklift. Worker is wearing a certified forklift driver ID badge made with an Avery ID badge template.

Advantages of using employee ID cards and badges

Enhanced security

First and foremost, employee identification is essential to ensuring security in your workplace. They provide instant identification of all individuals entering the facility and make visitors and non-employees easier to identify.

As mentioned, IDs can be used to restrict access to certain areas, machines, and equipment. This added security is great for protecting confidential or sensitive information stored on your property and can help prevent security breaches. Monitoring everyone who enters the building can also be helpful during an emergency, like a fire or earthquake, making it easier to account for anyone who is missing.

Better company morale

Having a safe and secure environment helps workers feel more comfortable, which improves company morale. In addition, ID cards provide a sense of belonging and identity within a company. Similar to wearing a jersey with a team logo, wearing an ID with the company logo helps employees feel more connected to each other. Like they're playing for the same team.

Employee photo IDs also make it easier to put a face to a name.  Being able to classify fellow workers based on their department or managerial level can help initiate social interactions and simplify communications.

Additionally, having names and positions displayed for all to see makes it easier for employees to learn about each other and their roles in the company. It might also give them a boost of confidence and motivate them to work harder.

An extra level of employee accountability

Another advantage to implementing ID cards and badges in your facility is an added level of accountability. The ability to keep tabs on where workers are and what equipment they use encourages responsibility and helps counteract theft within the company.

Being able to track time and attendance can also prevent workers from slacking off, being tardy, or leaving early. The transparency and culpability keep everyone accountable for their actions throughout the day.

Improved customer relations

Employee ID cards and badges can also boost customer and client relations. Photo IDs are a quick way for customers and clients to be able to verify that the person they're talking to has the knowledge and power to help them with what they need.

The ease of interaction provides a better customer experience and helps quickly and easily establish a relationship between the customer and employee. The familiarity also encourages your customers and clients to trust a new or different employee faster.

An excellent branding opportunity

An additional benefit of implementing employee identification is branding. Employees wearing company ID badges can provide great opportunities for promoting your logo and brand outside the office. Seeing an employee wearing a company badge could spark interest and curiosity that can hopefully lead to an inquiry.

Likewise, badges can even be used to promote your company at meetings, conventions, and other industry-related events. Having knowledgeable and standout workers wear your company logo will help establish your business as a legitimate player in your industry.

A show of professionalism

Lastly, employee ID cards are a great way to make your company look good. When workers have their names, positions, and the company logo on their badges, it provides an extra layer of professionalism. It helps to show that you are serious about your business and have the experience and expertise to back it up.

This show of professionalism and confidence can sway prospective clients and customers to do business with your company. Plus, implementing the regular use of IDs is a good way to encourage professionalism within your workplace.

Best practices for creating employee ID badges

Now that we've gone over the various usages and advantages of using worker ID cards and badges for your facility, let's get into the essentials of creating your own employee IDs.

A good place to start is with the card material. IDs should be durable enough to hold up to daily use, so regular paper won't cut it unless you use laminated sheets or insert them in sturdy badge holders. However, industrial workplaces and businesses that work in heavy-duty environments should use a more substantial and resilient material.

The size of the ID should be small enough to not become a hindrance, but big enough to clearly display all the information needed. The most common ID size is credit card size, 3.375" x 2.125". This size gives the added convenience of fitting in a wallet or purse.

When it comes to the design of your company ID cards, include these key elements for the most effective results:

  • Company name or logo
  • Employee's photo
  • Employee's name and title
  • Barcodes, QR codes, or ID numbers if needed

Once your cards are designed and printed, make sure to provide training for workers on the proper use and interpretation of these ID cards and badges. It's also good to conduct regular reviews and updates to ensure accuracy and security.

two examples of Avery 61612 tall ID badges. A photo ID of a certified forklift driver badge. A photo ID of a visitor pass badge.

Make things easy with Avery ID cards and badges

If you're looking to streamline the process of creating IDs for your workplace, we have the tools to help. Our durable Avery ID cards 61610,  Avery wide ID badges 61611 , and Avery tall ID badges 61612 are engineered to work in heavy-duty environments and hold up to frequent use.

Ideal for use in manufacturing plants and other industrial sites, as well as commercial and public facilities, Avery durable ID cards and badges made from 11-mil plastic and designed to be waterproof and resistant to chemicals, abrasions, tearing, and UV. Furthermore, our badges feature a durable clip hole for lanyards or bulldog clips that can resist up to 35 lbs. of pull force.

You can use Avery Design & Print Online, our free design software, to quickly and easily design your company IDs. Choose from our pre-designed templates for ID cards and badges, and customize the designs with your own text, colors, logos, and images as needed. You can also create your own designs from scratch. We even make it easy to add unique barcodes or QR codes for each employee ID. Watch the video below to find out how to use our barcode generator. 

Learn about Avery Industrial solutions for quickly creating temporary safety signage.

Our blank ID cards and badges are also printable on both sides, allowing you to fit more information if needed. Best of all, you can print them onsite using most standard desktop laser printers. This saves you the time, hassle, and money of having them printed by a third party every time you hire a new worker. Plus, our cards and badges are handwritable with ballpoint pens or permanent markers, so employees can add their signatures for added security.

Implement employee identification in your facility today

There’s no denying the benefits of utilizing ID cards or badges in the workplace. Creating an efficient and effective ID system for your facility not only adds to your security but also helps to improve company morale and customer experiences.

No matter what type of IDs you use or what applications you use them for, Avery Industrial provides the products and tools to make the process quick and easy. From our durable ID cards and ID badges to our free design tool and templates, we offer everything you need to print your own company IDs onsite and on demand.

Please note, the contents of this article and related articles on avery.com/industrial are for informational purposes only, are general in nature, and are not intended to and should not be relied upon or construed as a legal opinion or legal advice regarding any specific issue or factual circumstance.