Google Docs Avery Merge Add On
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Google Docs - Avery Merge Add-On

We've updated our free Avery Design & Print Online for compatibility with Google Sheets and Google Photos!  You can easily import your Google Sheets using the Import Data/Mail Merge feature.  You can also add logos and other images, including images from Google Photos using the Images feature.  This also gives you access to all printable Avery products and is available in many countries.
If you were a user of the Avery Label Merge Add-on, we apologize for any inconvenience for you to change to using Avery Design & Print Online.  We are happy to help you learn to use our software.
Unfortunately, another company has launched an add-on and named it Avery Label Merge.  We do not recommend this add-on, and we are taking legal action to make them change the name.  If you have been misled by this company, please report it to Google.

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